Note: You are viewing the website for the 2021 Auckland Pride Festival. Visit aucklandpride.org.nz for the most current Festival website.

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Media Release

17 August 2020

2021 Festival Registrations Delayed Due to COVID-19

First of all we hope that you’re doing well and keeping safe after our sudden return to Alert Level Three. It definitely took us by surprise, and know how much this impacts our community’s mental health and wellbeing from not being able to come together.

Our thoughts especially go out to our arts community, who were just starting to get back into theatres last week with Basement opening! We hope to see you soon when we stamp out Covid-19 once again.

If you need to speak to someone during this time, a reminder that you can call a trained volunteer from our friends at OUTLine on 0800 688 5463, from 6-9pm any day of the week.

Due to Auckland returning to Covid-19 Alert Level Three, Auckland Pride is delaying opening Festival Registrations to provide certainty to our event producers and community organisers around our requirements at different Covid-19 Alert Levels, and to relieve pressure during this difficult time.

We hope to have further information and announcements about the 2021 Auckland Pride Festival available to you in the next two weeks. We understand that this recent rise in Alert Levels will cause some uncertainty for events in the Festival, but know we’re working through them.

Festival Registrations will be open until the end of November, so there will still be enough time to work together to create fabulous events for the 2021 Festival. If you have any questions in the mean time please email us at [email protected]

Website:  https://2021.aucklandpride.org.nz
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AucklandPride/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/AucklandPride
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aucklandpride/

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