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Media Release

30 September 2019

A call for expressions of interest to join the Pride Board

Kia ora, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula Vinaka, Ia orana, Taloha ni, Halo, Kona mauri, Namaste, Salam, Ni Hao and Welcome!

With the theme for the 2020 Auckland Pride Festival announced, key dates locked-in and registrations open, plans are well underway for a joyously queer festival to take over Tāmaki Makaurau in February. To help us with our mission to build a festival that is fierce, bold and real, putting communities at the heart, the board is now calling for expressions of interest to fill the board position left open by the upcoming departure of Emma Henderson.

Chair Cissy Rock says, “We believe it’s important for a diverse range of perspectives and voices to be a part of the governance of the festival and we’d love it any who are interested in shaping a major festival for our communities put their hand up. If you feel like you or someone you know has something to add to the organisation of the festival and want to help us work to make it the best it can be, we encourage you to get involved.”

The Auckland Pride Board is comprised of individuals from across the rainbow community and is primarily responsible for Auckland Pride Festival governance, strategic direction, finances and ensuring the delivery of an outstanding event that celebrates the rich diversity of our communities. As this appointment is to replace Emma’s role, the term of office is just under one year running until our next AGM in May 2020.

The Board seek someone with a range of skills and relevant experience, who has a passion for serving the Rainbow Communities and the ability to dedicate time and energy towards guiding the growth and direction of the Auckland Pride Festival over the next few years. Any current members of Auckland Pride who are passionate about shaping and improving the Festival, and wanting to bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to the table are encouraged to apply.

Applicants should support the strategic goals and focus areas of Auckland Pride Festival Inc. All board applicants are required to complete a short application form setting out their relevant experience and the reason for their interest. Expressions of interest should be sent no later than 5pm Tuesday 15 October, 2019.

For more information, please email secretary@aucklandpride.org.nz.


The Auckland Pride constitution (Section 10) states that we are to have a Board of nine people. Each Board member’s term (how long they stay on the Board without being re-elected or appointed) is set at two years, unless they are replacing an elected Board member, in which case the new Board member shall retire at the relevant Annual General Meeting in accordance with the specified retirement timeframe for the Board member being replaced(10.14).

Auckland Pride Festival 2020 will run from 1–16 February.

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