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Media Release

28 October 2020

Two Takatāpui Join the Board of Auckland Pride

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, tēnā tātou te hunga takatāpui o Tāmaki Makaurau. 

Auckland Pride are happy to announce the addition of two new members to its board, appointed to continue the work developing kaupapa Takatāpui within the Festival and in Tāmaki Makaurau. 

Following a call for applications in September to join the board of Auckland Pride as the Takatāpui Representative, the board of Auckland Pride is delighted to welcome two new board members, Kara Beckford (Ngāti Whakaue) and Wetini Paul (Ngāti Awa, Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngai te Rangi). Beckford has been appointed to the position of Takatāpui Representative, with Wetini Paul being co-opted to the Board at the recommendation of the appointing rōpu.

Board co-chair Kaan Hiini (Te Arawa, Ngāpuhi) who sat on the appointing rōpu, says “The rōpu were overwhelmed with quality of the applications that came through, and at the close of both hui felt strongly that two of the applicants should be appointed to the board of Auckland Pride, a recommendation I was happy to take to the board. Kara and Wetini bring wisdom and mana to the leadership of Auckland Pride, and I’m excited to see how this tuakana-teina relationship will flourish over the coming months. By combining the deep knowledge and experience of Wetini, with the passion, energy and vision of Kara I know we can do some incredible mahi for our takatāpui whānau.”

On her appointment Kara (she/her) says “I am honoured and excited to be appointed to the Takatāpui Māori seat on the Auckland Pride Board this term. Our community is intersectional, diverse, powerful, creative and every becoming and I wish to reflect this across my time on the Board. My goal is to represent and uphold mana takatāpui in heart, spirit, mind, and action and ensure that we are key voices within Auckland Pride. I want my energy in this space to also be for the advancement of my QTPOC siblings who, within and outside of our community, remain marginalised.”

Wetini (he/him) joins the Board as the first co-opted member this term, and says “I aim to ensure that Tika, Pono, Aroha and Manaakitanga are upheld whilst respecting the diversity within our Takatāpui whānau. Auckland Pride is in a great position to help inspire Takatāpui to reach their full potential. Therefore, I am committed to working cooperatively and in collaboration with others in the community who have objectives congruent to those of the Board.  I am highly excited to support the Festival in this capacity through maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity always.”

Kara and Wetini join two elected takatāpui board members, Kaan Hiini and Piripi Mackie (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāi Tahu & Ngā Rauru), resulting in takatāpui Māori now making up half of the Auckland Pride Festival Board.

This milestone for Auckland Pride comes as a result of the work of Tikanga Takatāpui Activator, Shaun Hindt’s (Ngaati Tipaa, Ngaati Te Ata) work over the past year, and reflects the Festival’s ongoing commitment to ensure that the voices of Tangata Whenua are heard and considered at the highest level. The board thanks Shaun for all the work that he’s done creating the framework for increased Takatāpui representation in the governance of Auckland Pride Festival. 

“It’s been a beautiful journey being a part of the Auckland Pride Board’s response to our hapori takataapui, calling for increased visibility across the Auckland Pride Festival and better engagement with our Maaori communities. I’m excited to be a part of activating this space and supporting Auckland Pride to create a firm foundation for takataapui Maaori to claim pride of place on.”

Reflecting on the appointment process, Hiini said “It was a deeply moving experience to gather as takatāpui Māori to discuss our vision for takatāpui inclusion within Pride. It was so encouraging to consider over two weekends those who put their names forward to join the board and support this mahi, discussing how they can shape the Festival to create space for our whānau. I want to thank the members of the appointing rōpu, (Shaun Hindt, Rowan Reihana, Tangaroa Paul, Todd Karehana, Piripi Mackie, Kaan Hiini) who generously gave up their time to share their whakaaro to develop this kaupapa to the next stage. I’m so excited for what will come out of this, and can’t wait to watch our takatāpui whānau to flourish in the Festival over the next few years.”

The Auckland Pride Festival 2021 runs from
Wednesday 3  – Sunday 28 February, 2021

Website:  https://2021.aucklandpride.org.nz
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